Date: Monday, 16.12.2013, 7.00pm
Location: Technische Universität Berlin, Hauptgebäude, Straße des 17. Juni 135, Raum H0106
The Issue of food safety is of great concern for Chinese urban citizens. More and more people become actively engaged in projects promoting healthy and environmentaly friendly food.
Zhao Tinaxiao, a green campaigner from Beijing and intern at the bio-dynamic “Apfeltraum” farm in Müncheberg will speak about experiences with community supported agriculture at the “Little Donkey Farm” near Beijing. He will be introduced by Dr. Eva Sternfeld, head of the Centre for Cultural Studies on Science and Technology in China. She further will provide general information about food safety and current statues of organic food in China.
Zhao Tinaxiao holds a bachelor degree in Life science fom the Hebei Univeristy, China, and a Master degree from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He is now working as a program officer for the China program of the NGO Flora and Fauna International FFI.
Dr. Eva Sternfeld is the head of the China Center. Prior to work with TU Berlin she has been working 8 years for a public environmental education center in Beijing where among other duties she was in charge of a consumer campaign to promote organic food.
Organized by:
Center for Cultural Studies on Science and Technology in China, TU Berlin and in Cooperation with GLS Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft.