Sally Below is counselor for strategies within urban contexts, she is communications expert and head of the office sbca in Berlin, which is working with various International Building Exhibitions (IBA) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB). One focus of her professional profile is Activating Urban Development. Inter alia, she initiatively pursues topics within this field in her research approach “Experiment Everyday Citylife“ / „Experiment Stadtalltag“. Her knowledge and experience she also passes on as lecturer, e.g. at Bauhaus University Weimar.
In addition to her office sbca, Sally Below operates the exhibition and event space CLB Berlin at Aufbau Haus, together with Sven Sappelt. She typesets topics and evolves exhibitions and events with partners in the ambits of urbanism, culture, science and architecture. Thus, she contributes to international, Germany wide as well as Berlin specific exchange on current urban discourses as both, curator and host.