Invitation to all members of ski for the 1st jour fixe:
Exchanging perspectives – What can European and Chinese city planners learn from each other?
Date: Monday, July 7, 2014, 7.30 pm
Location: TU Berlin, Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin, room 0.002
Discussion about opportunities and threats of China’s Urbanization with Chinese students of the Master’s program in Urban Design, Architecture, and Transportation of the TU Berlin.
In a brief round of introductions of all participants asked to present their master’s thesis, research priorities and further interests.
Key questions are:
- What are opportunities and threats of chinas rapid urbanization?
- Are there visions for sustainable urbanization in China?
- What models are there for sustainable buildings in China?
- Are so called Eco-Cities, Low Carbon Cities or Green Cities able to ensure environmental sustainbility?
- After becoming acquainted with german architecture and planning issues, what are differences and what are similarities?
- What can european and chinese city planners learn from each other?
Opening speech:
Dr. Eva Sternfeld, Director China Center TU (Center for Cultural Studies on Science and Technology in China)
Johannes Sichter (Student of Urban Planning, TU Berlin)
The event will be held in English. Guests are welcome. Free admission!
We would be pleased to welcome you at the jour fixe ski and kindly ask you to register until July 3, 2014 at