Incubator: from Dialogue to Action

Förderantrag bewilligt: stadtkultur international ev wird Partner des Programms STADTMACHER China-Deutschland

stadtkultur international wird Partner des Programms STADTMACHER China-Deutschland und erhält hierfür Förderungen für drei Projekte durch die Robert-Bosch-Stiftung. Dr. Eduard Kögel, Vorstandsvorsitzender des Vereins, ist zugleich auch einer der Ko-Kuratoren des Stadtmacher-Konzepts und hat dessen inhaltliche Ausrichtung mit gestaltet. Darüber hinaus sind mit Iris Belle, Binke Lenhardt und Eva Sternfeld drei weitere langjährige Mitglieder des Vereins an den Projekten beteiligt.

Das Programm STADTMACHER China-Deutschland wurde 2016 von der Robert-Bosch-Stiftung in Kooperation mit der in Shanghai und Berlin ansässigen Agentur CONSTELLATIONS der Gründerinnen Katja Hellkötter und Magali Menant initiiert. Die wichtigsten Fragen, die im Rahmen des Programms untersucht werden sollen, sind: Wo sind zwischen China und Deutschland die Pioniere und Agenten des urbanen Wandels? Wo sind – trotz unterschiedlicher Rahmenbedingungen – kreative Handlungsspielräume für die Umsetzung neuer Ideen? Was bedeutet „lebenswerte Stadt“ in China, was in Deutschland, und welche Rollen spielen dabei insbesondere soziale Innovationen jenseits von technologischem Fortschritt? STADTMACHER China-Deutschland versteht sich als interdisziplinäres Netzwerk und Plattform für Personen und Akteure, die zwischen China und Deutschland im Feld der Stadtentwicklung unterwegs sind, und es adressiert Architekten, Kreative und Künstler ebenso wie Kommunalvertreter.

Zentrales Anliegen ist es, über Austausch und Lernen hinaus auch konkretes gemeinsames „Stadtmachen“ zu fördern: Ein Programm-Herzstück ist deshalb der STADTMACHER-Inkubator, der den drei nun weiter geförderten Arbeitsgruppen der ersten STADTMACHER-Konferenz vom Vorjahr die Gelegenheit gibt, ihre Ideen zur Projekt- und Umsetzungsreife zu bringen: „Urban Farming“,  „Future of Living“ und „Cultural Heritage & Identity“ lauten die Themen. Entsprechend der Zusammensetzung und Herkunft der Teams sind Prototypen in den Städten Wuhan (Heritage), Shanghai (Urban Farming), und Beijing (Future of Housing) in der Entwicklung. Aus dem STADTMACHER-Programm werden nun die Projektentwicklungs-Förderung der Robert-Bosch-Stiftung sowie Projekt-Coaching und strategisches Networking seitens des CONSTELLATIONS’ STADTMACHER-Kernteams zur Verfügung gestellt.

Gemeinsam mit stadtkultur international plant STADTMACHER China-Deutschland darüber hinaus im Frühjahr 2018 eine öffentliche Veranstaltung in Berlin, auf der die Ergebnisse der Inkubatoren-Projekte vorgestellt und konzeptualisiert werden sollen.

Weitere konkrete offene Angebote des STADTMACHER-Netzwerks: Aufbereitung aktuellen qualitativen Wissens in Form von monatlichen Interviews, halbjährliche Mapping-Analysen und jährliche Empfehlungen für Entscheidungsträger (erhältlich über Programm-Website und Facebook). Darüber gibt es für Städte und Akteure die Möglichkeit, individuell mit kreativen Köpfen aus dem STADTMACHER-Netzwerk China-Kooperationsszenarien zu gestalten.

Über die Projekte:


The FOH incubator team conceptualizes and enables the operation of a new type of housing in China that combines features of German cooperative housing projects with desires and opportunities for alternative living scenarios in Chinese cities.

Existing housing projects offer few options concerning cost, size and demographic mix both in Germany and China. Conventional project planning pays little attention to the aspirations of urban residents and their desires to live in urban communities that are inclusivity and inspiring . The FOH incubator asks what it takes to make housing more inclusive, sustainable and affordable.

The FOH incubator team works on a different project planning approach, to create novel housing options for citizens who seek to purposefully build their communities, cut financial cost of living though sharing or DIY and balance work, life and leisure. Innovative housing projects from Germany and Europe provide ideas, however, their mere replication in China is impossible. Instead the FOH incubator puts together a starter-kit manual, that provides consultative reference for a diverse range of actors, such as the resident community, the project developers, the municipality and the architects, who together negotiate and implement a version of a home, workplace and community that puts the resident at its very center. In this way, it is not the demand for residential space that calls for a new housing project, but rather the actual needs and desires, the skills and resources of the stake-holders. The graphically enhanced starter-kit manual highlight options and possibilities and guide them through the first steps in the process of negotiating and organizing housing projects.

Iris Belle
, Architect, Geographer and Assistant Professor at Tongji University Shanghai and member of stadtkultur international ev
Erhard An-He Kinzelbach, Full Professor at Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Registered Architect and founder of KNOWSPACE architecture + cities BDA
Binke Lenhardt, Registered Architect, member BDA and founder of CrossboundariesBeijing and member of stadtkultur international ev
Incubator contact: (

CITY, LAND, GARDEN, FOOD: ‘Urban Farming Incubator’

The Urban Farming incubator team seeks to engage with and globally shape the urban farming movement that has gained traction in recent years in light of significantly rising numbers of city dwellers.

The Urban Farming incubator recognizes the potential that urban farms present for ecological, social and educational aspects of urban sustainability and in this light, the project team will look to further knowledge generation as well as best-practice action for urban farming and livable city making.

Through integrating an intercultural project component, the UF incubator commences with a knowledge base of successful urban farming cases in Berlin and plans to transfer this inspiration base to Shanghai, where it plans to materialize the gained insights into a specific urban farming project demo. In this way, it looks to respond to the existing need for more urban community gardens through intermutual city learning and collaboration between Berlin and Shanghai, embracing the cultural, geographical and historical differences in the process. Following, local Sino-German as well as global knowledge and resources will be combined to develop a roof farm on the Design and Innovation Center of Tongji University. The experiential process of building and operating the roof farm will entail data collection and project documentation that will lead to the creation of educational guidelines. These are meant to serve as guidelines to address the existing challenges of urban farming and to contribute to increasing the viability of future urban farming projects for the larger purpose of creating sustainable community hubs that foster mental and ecological well-being, while also integrating healthy farming practices into the social urban landscape.

, Social Entrepreneur, Founder of Institute of Sustainable Environment and Energy and owner of Ecoland Club Farm, China’s first Schrebergarten
Claire Diebel, Architect, German Chancellor Fellow researching Building Integrated Agriculture and founder of Upfarming
Eva Sternfeld, Senior consultant on Chinese urban and rural development, environmental protection and food safety, former Sinology professor at FU Berlin) and member of stadtkultur international ev
GONG Wenye, Landscape Architect, Urbanist and Editor of CITYMAKERS China–Germany
CHENG Yiheng, Adjunct Professor of Tongji University Shanghai
Incubator contact:


The Wuhan Narrative incubator seeks to interculturally work with and respond to questions of how the rapidity and scale of Chinese urban development is to be conciliated with preserving architectural heritage structures as well as the unique narratives invariably connected to them.

The Wuhan Narrative incubator looks to produce and reactivate discourses about the value of cultural heritage in today’s society and urban context as it considers heritage architecture to be an important part of a city’s cultural heritage and general urban identity.

A bi-lingual app will be developed which is to serve as a reference point for the hidden and partly forgotten stories of Wuhan’s urban environment. Through making them accessible to the public, the app and online open access archive will serve mainly as a tool for virtual strolling and learning, encouraging the investigation of the built environment by locals as well as foreign visitors alike. Featuring an interactive map, it will provide facts about individual buildings and narratives about their wider context while also stimulating new ways to understand and look at the city and its memories by encouraging the app users to add their own photos and remarks and exchange opinions with other users. Given the local colonial histories of Wuhan, a focus will first be laid on exploring the shared German-Chinese heritage architecture, with the Sino-German orientation of the incubator team regarded as interesting in that it will generate new knowledge streams based on intercultural understanding and cooperation. In addition, other heritage buildings will also be explored. The Wuhan Narrative incubator in this way seeks to contribute to how Wuhan, in its quest to become an international metropolis, treats its urban cultural heritage in a way that utilizes the value of history for its creative urban development.

Eduard Kögel
, Urban Planner, Architecture Historian, Publicist and Curator at AEDES Berlin and chairperson of stadtkultur international ev
YANG Fan, Founder of CECP Wuhan (China Endangered Culture Protectors)
Dr. Ines Eben von Racknitz, Scholar, Sinologist & Historian, Professor at Nanjing University
Silvan Hagenbrock, Urbanist, Filmmaker, Editor and Curator of CITYMAKERS China–Germany
Incubator contact: